Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)

The EDD Assistant supports compliance officers in the conduct of an Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD).




According to the FINMA Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance (AMLO-FINMA), an EDD is required in the case of business relationships or transactions involving higher risk (GwV-FINMA 15 1). Analogously, the US Patriot Act dictates that institutions “shall establish appropriate, specific and, where necessary, enhanced, due diligence policies, procedures and controls that are reasonably designed to detect and report instances of money laundering through those accounts”.

The EDD Assistant includes a search robot, that anonymously searches the web and other sources for potentially relevant information related to due diligence. The matching web pages are anonymously downloaded and assessed. The most relevant information is compiled into a comprehensive and auditable report.

Due to the automated massive searches, the compliance risk is minimized efficiently. The EDD Assistant is a significant step towards automated and standardized compliance processes.

The searches are completely anonymous. The internet sees only the search robot, as an anonymizing proxy stands between the user and the search robot.

The search robot manages queries in eight languages, including Arabic and Russian. In addition, the search robot is also an AML specialist that recognizes the different facets of money laundering.

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The result is compiled in a comprehensive report that contains, in addition to the most relevant matches, all search parameters to guarantee full auditability.

Test EDD

We are pleased to  offer you a free trial of EDD. On receipt of your requirements, we will set up filters for a limited period.

Open-Source Software

Eurospider uses open-source software (OSS) whenever it is appropriate. The main requirements are robustness, compatibility of the license with the business model, and an active community to maintain the software. Eurospider uses, for example, STRUS (Mozilla Public License) and Kaldi (Apache License).

Eurospider Information Technology AG
Winterthurerstrasse 92
8006 Zürich


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