eCPM helps compliance officers to comply with the relevant laws and regulations.
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Compliance Reduced to the Max
The eCompliance Process Management (eCPM) system from Eurospider is the solution par excellence in respect of legislation against money laundering, terrorism financing, tax evasion and tax fraud. eCPM helps the compliance officer to comply with the growing number of complex regulations.
Complete Process Chain
A major advantage of the eCPM system is that it covers the entire process. It automatically captures sanctions lists, profiles of politically exposed persons (PEP’s), indications of illegal activities (CRIME) and FATCA/CRS information (TAX). The eCPM server version automatically updates the KYC Records every night. The scanning of customer lists can be executed either manually or automatically according to a customized schedule (server version only). All matches are stored in a database and entered into workflow. Within this workflow, compliance officers verify the matches by distinguisdhing between true positives and false negatives. In the case of true positives, they assign a risk category (SANCTIONED, PEP, CRIME, TAX) and then close the alert. Closed alerts are documented by a PDF and stored in an archive from where it can be retrieved at any time. This audit function completes the process chain.
In the case of eCPM, electronic assistance means the avoidance of manual work whenever possible. The automation implies standard procedures that are less error prone compared, with manual procedures. eCPM provides a leading edge process automation. This includes, inter alia, automatic update of the KYC Records and automatically executed scans. Another important aspect of automation is related to whitelisting. Frequent scans do not impose more verification work due to, intelligent whitelisting. Alerts must be verified only, if relevant information has changed since the last verification. The outstanding matching quality also minimizes false alarms; i.e. the false positives. The matching quality significantly reduces significantly the verification work.
Easy Installation and Integration
Another advantage of eCPM is the minimal impact on the internal IT. The integration of the CRM system into the eCPM system is based on a simple transfer of CSV files (Comma Separated Values). Most CRM systems support the export of CSV files in a simple way, and eCPM includes an archive with auditable documents and other data.
We invite you to apply for a free trial. Please tell us your requirements and we will be happy to offer you free access to eCPM for a limited time.