The My-SSID app is designed to help you manage verifiable credentials that are automatically checked.

Buch Brille

Eurospider’s digital assistant (DA) supports the verbal and classificatory indexing of the books and essays that libraries want to make searchable according to content criteria. In the past, subject indexing was regarded as a central and demanding task for libraries. Today, the future of this content indexing process is the subject of endless discussions and projects. Eurospider’s DA is intended to help develop a strategy that will reduce the time and cost of indexing, increase indexing quality and enable cooperation between national and international libraries.

The Key Message Spider (KMS) analyzes media and determines whether the key messages (core statements) of your press release have reached the desired target groups. Business Opportunities

Sign in for subscribers gathers worldwide invitations to tender before selecting and syndicating those that are relevant to a subscription file.



The Official Journal of the European Union publishes invitations to tender of more than EUR 400 billion a year. The anual procurement of the Swiss federal administration amounts to more than CHF 5 billion. helps you to benefit from these opportunities. collects information from national and international databases, such as SIMAP and TED. In addition, it selects media news that indicates future business opportunities. Special sources can be integrated on demand. networking

Artificial intelligence is adopted to select relevant publications. The relevance is estimated by means of a sophisticated combination of rule-based methods and machine learning.

Several millions of calls for tenders are available for analysis of public procurement in specific sectors and countries.

As a legal professional, you can use the LEXspider app to conveniently access your personal law library anywhere and at any time, and to update your collections at the press of a button. The LEXspider app transforms your iPad, iPhone or Android into an indispensable tool for legal work.

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SR finden 384

Thanks to the LEXspider app, you always have your library with relevant legal information at hand, meaning you no longer need a workplace computer or permanent internet connection in order to access compilations of legislation.

Thanks to updates via wifi, your library is always up-to-date. Decrees and rulings are constantly changing, but with LEXspider, your collections will always reflect the latest legislation, no matter where you are.

The LEXspider app's specialized access functions provide you with intuitive tools for finding information, including a table of contents and bookmarks. This means you can look up relevant information more quickly than when using books or loose-leaf compilations.

Eurospider has longstanding experience in the field of legal information systems, and has developed solutions that have already been in use for many years. Eurospider made the Swiss Federal Supreme Court’s landmark rulings available online in 1997 and established a special search function in order to ensure that relevant verdicts can be found reliably and efficiently.

Information Retrieval

The objective of Information Retrieval (IR) is to search large data collections for information relevant to a user’s information requirements. The term “information retrieval” was coined by Calvin Mooers in 1950. Like “research” the word “retrieval” does not refer to refinding something. It rather relates to the information retrieval paradox: “If I knew what I was searching for, I wouldn’t be searching for it.”

Information retrieval is focuses on three dimensions: systems and applications, theory and models, evaluation. Various retrieval models exist, such as Vector Space Model (VSM) and probabilistic and language models. For evaluatio,n recall and precision are often used. SMART was an early retrieval system that dealt with all three aspects. RankBrain is a more recent retrieval system based on TensorFlow.

Eurospider Information Technology AG
Winterthurerstrasse 92
8006 Zürich


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