Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management is a multi-disciplinary approach to making the best use of knowledge. Efficient and effective searching is a key component. Eurospider's know how covers various aspects of knowledge management.
In order to review documents within an eDiscovery process, it is helpful to assess entire email conversations. Short messages without context may be difficult or even impossible to assess, e.g. when preceding questions are missing. Furthermore, it is simply more efficient to tag an entire thread rather every single message in the thread.
Today’s tools support and encourage the duplication of data. Let’s assume user A obtains a document from the enterprise storage and sends it as an attachment by email to user B who stores it on a laptop. This everyday scenario shows how easily files are duplicated. The document file is not only in the enterprise storage, but also in A’s sent box, in B’s inbox, and on B’s laptop, possibly twice if it is in the target folder selected by B as well as in the download folder.
STRUS is a new open-source software for sophisticated search and find applications. Eurospider supports STRUS due to its flexibility in support of new retrieval models. This aspect is relevant since the optimization of search applications for specific user needs and data is one of Eurospider’s key skills.
Information Retrieval
The objective of Information Retrieval (IR) is to search large data collections for information relevant to a user’s information requirements. The term “information retrieval” was coined by Calvin Mooers in 1950. Like “research” the word “retrieval” does not refer to refinding something. It rather relates to the information retrieval paradox: “If I knew what I was searching for, I wouldn’t be searching for it.”
Information retrieval is focuses on three dimensions: systems and applications, theory and models, evaluation. Various retrieval models exist, such as Vector Space Model (VSM) and probabilistic and language models. For evaluatio,n recall and precision are often used. SMART was an early retrieval system that dealt with all three aspects. RankBrain is a more recent retrieval system based on TensorFlow.
The Integrated Authority File (German: Gemeinsame Normdatei or GND) is an international authority file used and maintained by the German National Library (German: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek or DNB), all German-language library associations, the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) and many other institutions. WebGND is an online application that supports navigation and search within this large database which consists of more than 11 million records covering personal names, corporate names, meeting names, geographic names, topical terms and uniform work titles.